Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 315 - Nightly Roundup

Greg and the boys got our tree today - Thanks!
Parenting - Did a pretty good job again today just being in the moment.
Business - Worked a bit on a flow chart for my presentation.
Book- Will read more of character development.
Garden- Watered some overwintering plants.
FI-Continuing to update accounts. Plan is by Jan. 1 all accounts are updated and we have a new budget in place.
Spirit- Put up a few more inspirational posters/pictures - my house is beginning to look like the inside of a Dale Carnegie book;-)
Health - 20 minutes Pilates
House-Continuing to sort the photo drawers and separate out old cards, letters, and picture frames.
Bus.Vocab. -Time value of money, values and lifestyles research, vehicle, vertical publications.

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