Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 260 - Nightly Roundup

Marriage - Didn't check in for something to do today - will have to do make up for that tomorrow.
Parenting - Kids to McDonalds after Kirk's science club - had a fun time.
Business - Looked into Women in Toys - may join.
Book - Went to the library and checked out a dozen books on the Revolutionary War for research.
Health - Saw a neat idea in Oprah Magazine - gleaned from the free exchange at the library today - to photograph each meal for a month to analyze what you eat and make healthier choices - won't count the fish fillet/large french fries/sprite supper tonight....
Spirit- My improv class was tonight and always makes me laugh a lot - which is a joy.
FI - Updated a lot of receipts.
Garden - Perused a garden seed magazine while the kids played at McDonalds.
House - lots of tidying up
Bus. Vocab - nada for tonight.

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