1. Happy marriage to Greg. Check
2. Enjoy and nurture the kids - Kai and I had lots of fun one on one time at home and the dog park as Kirk accompanied Greg to the Iowa game, wherein the Hawkeyes lost their 9-0 record....enough said.
3. Publish the Frugal Millionairess in 2010 - Worked a tad bit more on a query letter to an agent. I may send off what I have and get some feedback, even if it's a snort and a reply that I'm not there yet;-).
4. Build the Curiosity Cottage into a successful company that helps kids and adults learn and enjoy knowledge. Started a list of existing dual use products - and it's mighty slim! I only have five items to date: math clock, SAT shower curtain, constellations night light, bird song alarm clock (teaching the individual bird sounds), planets nightlight.
5. Be and feel healthy and happy. 30 minutes cardio.
6. FI in 2010 - Used up the last of the apple orchard picks to make my aunt's apple, walnut crock pot cake. Also used up all the vegetables in a big pan with olive oil and spices. Feeling very Martha...
7. Spirit/catchall. To give and receive joy, be in the moment, and laugh at least 20 times a day. Planning to call a good friend tonight.
8. Complete the four sides and the center of the back yard into a groomed, beautiful bird sanctuary. By the time I started to update this tonight, it was dark so I turned on all the yard lights and hauled some of the infinite number of bagged leaves that neighbors have been dropping off in the drive to the back yard. I'm seriously thinking of getting one of those portable work lights that you see at night construction jobs for late night gardening as fall is a great time to be out there, no mosquito's is a BIG plus. The only downside is we are a community of dog lovers and as soon as I start crunching about the dried leaves, my neighbors' dogs on four sides start crating a cacophony of barking, so I tried to keep the work session short.
9. Create an organized, beautiful home that adds happiness to our lives. Three more minutes on an upstairs closet.
10. Become an excellent businesswoman in part due to my extensive business vocabulary. Gross audience, gross impressions, gross rating point, hierarchy of effects.
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