A busy day as the conference starts tomorrow. I picked up my business cards from a local printer - how fun! And though it would appear I suffer from compulsive price disclosure, I must admit pride in snagging my briefcase (not leather but nice looking) for 50 cents at a garage sale this summer before the whole business idea really took hold. Build it - they will come. Buy the briefcase - the company will be founded???;-).
1. Happy marriage to Greg - Check.
2. Enjoy and nurture kids. Lots of fun time reading and putting together puzzles today. We celebrated picking up my cards with a pack of gum for Kirk and a Rice Crispy treat for Kai and a Dr. Pepper for mom. Celebrations and sugar you know....
3. Build the Curiosity Cottage into a successful dual use educational products company. Lots of time brainstorming and coming up with my 30 second "elevator pitch" for the weekend.
4. Publish the Frugal Millionairess in 2010. A wee bit (two pages) in the New Writer's Handbook.
5. Complete the four sides and center of the back yard into a beautiful, groomed bird sanctuary. More mulching with leaves. This is incredibly effective in reducing weeds if you've never done it and builds fabulous soil.
6. Spirit/catchall. Give and receive joy, be in the moment, laugh at least 20 times a day. Took a neighbor's dog for a long walk as she doesn't get out much.
7. Be and feel healthy and beautiful. Did the four veggies (spinach, broccoli, carrots, and potatoes) and four fruits (apples, grapes, juice, apricots).
8. FI by 2010. Changed the furnace filters today, hopefully reducing operating costs.
9. Create a beautiful, organized home that adds to our daily happiness. Took a lot of the kids' art work and posted it up on doors, including the front door, which now look quite colorful and the kids are walking tall....
10. Be an excellent business woman with an excellent business vocabulary. House Agency, Image Advertising, In-Pack Premium, infomercial.
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