Friday, October 9, 2009

Nightly Roundup - Day 361

Marriage - Check - date night - had a wonderful time! And thanks for agreeing to Cajun food sweetie!

Kids - Kirk had no school today so we made it a special outting day which included meeting Greg downtown, a trip to the military museum (he is currently obsessed with WWII), out to lunch (working on some of those table manners - in truth my kids eat like monkeys at times), then met with a friend and her son for the children's museum. So lots of good time together, albeit NOT a cheap day.

Book - Spent about 10 minutes and found the next list of questions in the book From Book Idea to Bestseller and will work on them during the weekend. For any of you also working on a book:
1. What needs does my book address?
2. Who, specifically, needs what I am offering?
3. Does my book solve a problem?
4. For whom does my book solve a problem?
5. Can I write a one-sentence sales pitch for my book that makes its benefits or solutions clear to editors, agents, and readers?
6. Have I organized my ideas into a program from which readers will gain tangible benefits?

Business- Found the company that produced the sample moving frog light in New York and found a phone number, but will need to call Monday. Did spend 15 minutes brainstorming for ideas for what the lamp could have for various age groups. Listed here for my reference.
planets, dinosaurs, alphabet, numbers, multiplication tables, presidents, shapes, Spanish, French, German - basic nouns or verbs with pictures, famous women in history, land forms, shapes of states, parts of atoms, types of rocks, types of birds, types of asteroids, invertebrates, parts of the body, fractions, volcanoes, public service workers - police, firefighters, nurses, historical time lines (westward expansion, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs), nutrition, parts of the cell, parts of the brain, mini-pictorial biographies or Lincoln or Washington, parts of the atom, weather patterns, sports, mammals, various nursery rhymes, Monet's or Renoir's mini-paintings, parts of plants).
Garden - Will go through garden diary to check what plans I wrote this past spring about buying any bulbs.

Health/beauty - Did seven minutes of yoga and three minutes of walking about with a book on my head.

Spirit-catchall - Posted about eight inspirational posters at a thrift store (I think they were old school posters) and posted then along our upstairs hall as I figured I can't feed my mind too much positive thinking during this year.

F.I. Started reading an interesting book called "Think and Grow Rich Action Pack" purchased for $1.50 at the same thrift store as the posters. It is based on the original book written in the 1920's by Napoleon Hill.

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