This nightly check in on achieving a bit of progress, even five minutes a day on each of these 10 goals this year is going well. Anyone else finding success at this?
1. Marriage - Check!
2. Kids - Used a card table and old sheet to build a fort. Kids found this way cool.;-)
3. Book - Blog
4. Business - Worked another 15 minutes on my resume. I'm not sure why I so loathe that job, but it's getting done a bit at a time. I want everything ready to send off to the mentor program on Friday, after meeting the fellow entreprenuer for coffee on Tuesday.
5. Spirit/catchall - Made a card and gathered some of the decorative gourds my mother-in-law had brought to share with a teacher who is getting her first home.
6. Health/beauty - Walked with the dogs and my friend tonight. Five minutes of pilates.
7. F.I. - Worked to continue updating our accounts. Since our Money program is about to be defunct, we switched to Quicken, but we're having a terrible time transferring accounts. Also posted a WI Badger snowsuit on Craigslist as it's now too small for Kai.
8. Garden - Brought in my hibiscus from the garage to winter over in our room.
9. Business Vocabulary - Banner ad, brand, brand identity, brand image
10. Organized, beautiful home - Tossed more than 10 pieces of paper/mail when I attacked a giant pile on the counter.
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