Happy 6th Birthday to Kirk!!!! You add so much joy to our lives.
I must admit some discouragement, tiredness, and trepidation at the entire undertaking of building a company this year. As of tonight, the house has been getting a bit crazy and I haven't done grocery shopping, we got an overdue notice on life insurance because that pile of bills was under some library books in the paper pile, we've been paying a lot more for convenience things (including a very expensive birthday party for Kirk at Gymborie) and I wonder do we seriously think we are going to start a new business, keep up with a house, the paperwork, the kids, the dog, the garden and yard (which will be starting up in spring) Greg's very demanding career and some sanity;-).
Kirk was having a tough time of it on Friday, a fit really, and so crazy in its intensity that I called Greg at work to come home and help me manage - a first. We finally concluded he was way over tired, stressed from both Greg and me being gone - me to NY and Greg to Florida last week, and a few other things. Greg came home to talk to him and Kirk fell asleep about 4:30, exhausted, while they talked.
Kai fell and hit his eye on the family room fireplace last week and still is walking around with a major shiner - which as you can imagine looks just great in all the birthday photos;-).
So enough of the whining;-). Keeping my mind on the good and not worrying about the future is a habit I still need to work on. There are many families that are running family businesses, have children, and still manage to not starve or have fire code violating clutter, so I'm sure we'll manage...
Marriage - check - though we both find ourselves bordering testy with the extra stress.
Parenting - I spent the day with Kirk to "fill him up" with some quality one on one time. After his Sunday school, we went our to lunch, then watched some ski racing, then went to the historical museum, then stopped at a thrift store where he was thrilled to find a lightsaber - which will be his third to date - for 30 cents.
Business - At the historical museum, one of the guides was just amazing in her storytelling, passionate about history, and I got her business card. I'm not sure how it may all fit together, but she was just so interesting and enthusiastic about history, that I can't help but think we were meant to meet.
Books - The second chapters from the writers weren't as good as the first and we will meet this Friday to work together. I know I'm asking a lot to work in the future/past/action, etc.
FI - Did a bit of bill paying tonight and went through a giant pile of mail for things to take care of tomorrow.
Spirit - Dear friend's husband still in intensive care. Most moments that puts all my stress into perspective. Sent her back with a Kelly Howell c.d. called the Universal Mind Meditation - it's very, very new age, but she promised to give it a listen.
Garden - Hoping to pot up some begonias tonight or tomorrow morning.
Health - Will do some cardio tonight - I'm addicted to The Millionaire Match Maker while I work out - I know, how sad;-).
House - Am still working on decluttering - when the house gets out of control, it adds a LOT of stress all around. Went on some declutter websites tonight for extra tips.
Bus. Vocab. Broad base index, need, title, book to market index
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