On big trash day last year, someone was getting rid of this four wheeler. The battery doesn't work and I'd kept it in the basement with the thought that when Kirk turns six I'd buy a battery so he could ride it in the driveway in the summer. As it turns out, the kids are thrilled to just pretend to ride it whether in the basement or in the family room....an inexpensive and likely much safer option;-).
Marriage - Check.
Parenting - I'm continuing with the Love and Logic book tape and being a bit more strict. Today when I picked Kirk up from his science club (a five week activity), he was pretty "mouthy" as my mom would have said about not going to McDonalds - we did this to celebrate his first class last week. So we did the book's suggestion of consequences and he seemed to go with the flow just fine after that. Sometimes I wonder if I "coddle" the kids too much when they talk back or are disrespectful. It's a line I'm not always sure I get right.
Business - Called the local bank to confirm the first focus group. I only have one person signed up for the local one so I posted signs around town hoping for more. The downtown focus group has five, so hopefully I'll get more feedback there.
Book - A university student contacted me after she saw the ad for writers and asked if I would be looking for an illustrator - which we will eventually, and she said she'd send her portfolio, so that will be helpful. I also did some research to figure out why Harry Potter was so popular and there are as many opinions on this as you can imagine;-). It seems to boil down to a main character to whom readers can relate, who has powers (appealing to kids who are often powerless) and just great writing.
Health - 20 cardio for body for life. Didn't do so well on the six mini-meals with just healthy foods (Pepsi, bagel, cream cheese, and chocolate covered raisins snuck in there somehow;-), but I always take awhile to get into the swing of things, so I'm figuring this is my ease in time).
Spirit - Coordinating with my aunt to go to the big Garden Expo here in Madison.
Garden - Finished up the Garden Gate magazine today.
FI - Went through all the various gift cards we likely won't use and posted them on Craigslist.
House - Got rid of at least 20 more items, mostly from Kirk's overstuffed dresser drawers.
Bus. Vocab. - Price to earnings ratio, strong dollar, bid, interdependence
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