The presentation today was a big milestone and I was so happy! It was only ten minutes, followed by five minutes of questions, but if I'm accepted into the program, the mentors represent an amazing breadth of business experience that would help enormously as I develop the company. I couldn't sleep last night for nerves and will be so glad to head off to the land of Nod tonight!
Marriage - Check
Parenting - Had a great time playing blocks. After all the self-induced anxiety over the presentation, I was thrilled to come home and build block towers and do other in-the-moment activities in my own security zone;-).
Business - Presentation and answering questions. I brought various dual use educational household products to show them what the marketplace would consist of as well as future product ideas. Part of me feels the more I get the idea out there, the more momentum it builds.
Book- This has gravitated toward the story line that will go with the series of the brothers meeting the 100 greatest minds/explorers rather than a saving money book. So while the goal remains to publish, what I hope to publish has changed.
Garden - My good friend/neighbor brought a bunch of winter berries, evergreens, and red twigged dogwood to do two arrangements for the antique green urns on either side of the garage. I will post a picture tomorrow. They are quite lovely and she pointed out that in our WI climate, these will last longer than any summer basket of petunias or impatiens.
FI - Spent about an hour on the phone with my insurance company trying to figure out if there is a cheaper way to do labs (long story) but I did not yet get a definitive answer.
Health - 30 minutes of cardio.
Spirit/catchall - Long chat with a dear friend who at last found Mr. Right at age 41 and is now getting married and even thinking of starting a family - with great joy.
House - One shelf of one cupboard
Bus. Vocab - Joint venture, basis swap, pupilometric, range
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